Tuesday, November 6, 2012

1st Lecture on Archives and Records Management Lecture

The Department of Information Science and the CAC have recently organized the 1st  lecture on Archives and Records Management which was attended by more than 200 deligates. It took place on the evening of 01 November 2012 at Dr Mariam Makeba Concert Hall at Unisa. Prof Luciana Duranti from the University of British Columbia, Canada, delivered the lecture. During the day Prof Duranti led  Round Table Discussions which were opened by the CoD  of the Department, Prof Bosire Onyancha and chaired by Prof Thomas van der Walt. Among the participants in this round table discussions were representatives from Unisa Archives, Gauteng Archives, National Archives and Records Management Department of Unisa. Mr Tony Rodriguez gave the outline of the program of the Archival Science in the Department of Information Science. Thereafter Mr Mpho Ngoepe took us through the Short Learning Courses offered by the Department, particularly those on Archives and Records Management. On 2nd November Prof Duranti met with the Management of the Department to discuss possible collaboration between the Department of Information Science and her Department in the University of British Columbia.

Program Review

The Department of Information Science had its undergraduate Program reviewed this year. The panel of reviewers consisted of Practitioners, Students, Heads of LIS schools, representatives from Quality Assurance and representatives from the Assoaciation, LIASA. Here are the highlights:

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Mrs N Mnkeni-Saurombe reads a paper at the International Conference in Finland

Mrs Namps Mnkeni-Saurombe attended the 8th International Conference on Knowledge Management in Finland. She also presented a paper entitled' Information Literacy: a conerstone for Open Distance Learning' which was well received.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Department of Information Science present an interesting paper at ICA Conference, Brisbane

Mr mpho Ngoepe presented an interesting paper at the ICA Conference together with Prof Bosire Onyancha and Mr Jan Maluleka. This conference took place in Brisbane, Austalia. After their paper on Records Management in SA was presented, they were immediately interviewed by the local newspaper journalist.
Also in this conference Mrs Isabel Schellnack-Kelly's Poster presentation was done. Congratulations colleagues, this is indeed work well done!

Mrs N. Mnkeni-Saurombe's article reviewed by HSRC

The article of Mrs Nampombe Mnkeni-Saurombe of the Department of Information Science and Ms Nomsa Biyela of the Human Sciences Research Council was e-reviewed by HSRC. Their article entiltled 'Community libraries tackle inequality in South Africa' is the 1st IS publication in the HSRC Review. Congratulations colleagues, you have made us proud!

Department of Information Science CoD gets NRF rating

The CoD of Information Science Departemnt, Prof OB Onyancha was rated by the National Research Foundation. He was placed on the C2 rating. This comes after quite a number of publications, especially in the area of Informatrics, Bibliomatrics, Webomatrics, Scientomatrics. Congratulations colleague, we are proud of you!

Arbor Day in KZN

An ongoing project on Climate Change and Children in KZN schools done by Prof Thomas van der Walt Department of Information Science, Unisa, Dr Felicite Fairer-Wessels, Department of Tourism, University of Pretoria and Dr Veli Jiyane, Department of Information Science, Unisa, saw the planting of trees on 18th Septemebr at Gilonki High School. This initiative was a partnered effort between Wildlands Conservation Trust and these 3 Academics. The team from Wildlands Conservation Trust was led by Dr R Kloppers, Mrs C Mngomezulu and Mr Ncube. The principal of Gilonki High School, Mr Mandla Gumede, the SGB, educators and learners were excited about this initiative and are hoping that this relationship with the school will go from strength to strength. Also present on the day to receieve the tree donation for their schools were educators and one learner representative from Eqakwini High School and Bhekithemba Primary school. Ngotweni Primary, Kufezekile High and Nyalazi Lower Primary schools also received the tree donation.