Thursday, March 15, 2012

Department of Information Science 2012 Imbizo, 22-24 February 2012

Department of Information Science's 1st quarterly meeting and Imbizo, 22-24 February, Casa Toscana Lodge

The Department of Information Science took some time off-campus to dedicate its three days- gathering to discuss important issues in the Department. Among other matters of discussion were curriculum review, tuition and learning, research.

Here are highlights of the event:

Prof M Majanja and Ms E von Kloeg focused their presentations on curriculum review. Undergraduate programme, honors qualifications, masters & doctoral proposal module and admission requirements for masters & doctoral students were some of the issues that were discussed.

Ms L Kamanja, from the DCLD presented on the revision of the study guides indicating the importance, frequency and all the steps involved.

Prof P Gundani’s presentation focused on research. He touched on Unisa's research policy and how the Department’s research plans should be aligned to this policy.

Other matters that were discussed during the Imbizo were Quality assurance issues, online teaching, Research fellows and Post-doctoral researchers.

Professors Onyancha and van der Walt as well as Dr Dube chaired different sessions. This was captured during the Imbizo:

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Department of Information Science Research Seminar-13 March 2012

As part of the Unisa Research and Innovation Week (12th-15th March 2012) the Department of Information Science organised Research Seminar on the 12th March 2012. At this Seminar, staff members discussed the various research projects that they are currently involved in.
1. Ms Nampombe Mnkeni-Saurombe: Public programming Of public archives in the East and Southern Africa Branch of the International Council of Archives (ESARBICA): Towards an inclusive and integrated model (Doctoral Research proposal)

2. Ms Isabel Schellnack-Kelly: Records management fundamentals and the attainment of public sector integrity (Doctoral research proposal)

3. Mr Salmon Makhubela: Knowledge retention in mining industries: A case study of platinum mines in the North West Province (Masters Research Proposal)

4. Ms Nicoline Wessels: Strategies for deep learning in an information literacy module in an ODL environment (Doctoral Research Proposal)

5. Mr Jan Maluleka Factors influencing research collaboration in Library and Information Science schools in South Africa. (Masters Research Project)

6. Ms Veli Jiyane: The role of the information and knowledge society in poverty alleviation and economic empowerment among informal sector women entrepreneurs in South Africa. (Completed Doctoral Research)
7. Prof Bosire Onyancha: LinkedIn for property? Web status of national libraries in Sub-Saharan Africa (Research project)

8. Prof Thomas van der Walt and Ms Veli Jiyane: Children and climate change: a caste study of Isimangaliso Wetland Park (Research project)
9. Prof Thomas van der Walt and Ms Namps Saurombe-Mnkeni: People in their own right: children’s rights as reflected in children’s literature (Part of a collaborative research project: Korczak’s children: paths on the pedagogical and literary thought of the work of Januscz Korczak) (Research project)

10. Prof Thomas van der Walt and Mr Jan Maluleka: Children’s reading behaviour in Africa: part 1 – Namibia. (Collaborative research project with the University of Namibia)

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Staff achievements

Two research proposals of staff members of the Information Science Department approved
Two proposals of colleagues in the Department of Information Science were approved by the Higher Degrees Committee meeting held in February 2012.
Doctoral research proposal
Mrs Nampombe Mnkeni-Saurombe: D Litt et Phil. 

The title of her intended research is“ Public programming of public archives in the East and Southern Africa Branch of the International Council of Archives (ESARBICA): Towards an inclusive and integrated model”.   The purpose of this study is to explore public programming activities in the public archives of the ESARBICA region using a survey approach and document analysis.

Masters research Proposal
Mr Jan Maluleka: M Inf.

 The title of study is “Factors influencing research collaboration in Library and Information Science schools in South Africa. It seeks to (1) assess the extent and determine the trends and patterns of research collaboration in LIS schools in South Africa; and (2) explore factors influencing research collaboration in LIS schools in South Africa.
In the same vein, Mrs Patricia Mantsie, Academic Assistant, passed her Honors studies. She will be awarded her Honors degree by Unisa on 8th June 2012 at Bolivia Lodge, Polokwane.

The Department of Information Science congratulates them and wishes them well in their endeavours.

Staff member on R & D Leave

Research and Development leave for Mr Tony Rodrigues

Mr Rodrigues, who is an expert in Archives and Records Management, was granted R & D leave for 6 months from 1st March 2012. During this time, Mr Rodrigues will be focusing on his PhD project.


This comes after another colleague was granted R & D leave for 12 months from March 2011. Mrs Madely Du Preez also used her leave to accelerate her PhD project. She will assume duties in April 2012.

Colleagues, the Department of Information Science wishes you all the best with your studies