Thursday, May 17, 2012

Children and climate change: ongoing research and community engagement with schools in KZN

Prof Thomas van der Walt and Dr Veli Jiyane of the Department of Information Science, together with Dr Felicite Fairer-Wessels of the Department of Tourism Management of the University of Pretoria are involved in a research and community engagement project with schools around Isimangaliso Wetland in Northern KwaZulu-Natal. The aim of this project is to determine the level of knowledge about climate change of children both in primary and high schools in this area, as well as channels and sources of information access, dissemination and use.

During the week of 7-11 May Prof van der Walt and Dr Jiyane visited the research area where they had discussions with stakeholders and conducted research at Kufezekile High, Eqakwini High, Ngotweni Primary, Nyalazi Lower Primary and Bhekinkosi Primary school. It was interesting to find out that in most schools, the issues on climate change are addressed either in Geography, Tourism or Agriculture as subjects. Children were also able to discuss what they know and observe as the effects of climate change in their schools and communities and also narrated what they could do as children in schools and as communities in general to create awareness on the climate change and its effects. Some of their ideal solutions were to revive the practice of tree planting in schools, discuss the issues of climate change with leaders in the community particularly councillors, izinduna and Amakhosi because they believe they have authority and can influence decision-making and lastly convince other learners to respect the environment by not littering and taking care of the rivers and animals both in the rivers and on land. They also suggested the idea of the creation of the Environmental Clubs in schools which will ensure that information on climate change is disseminated.

Interviews were also conducted with representatives from the Department of Education, KwaMsane Circuit; Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife and the Isimangaliso Wetlands Park Authority. Prof van der Walt and Dr Jiyane will report on the findings of the pilot project at an interdisciplinary conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences in Florence, Italy in June.

While in KwaZulu-Natal Dr Jiyane and Prof van der Walt conducted book donations to the six schools that is involved in the Climate change project. Books were donated by Biblionef, an organization which aims at donating books to under-resourced children, and in that way promoting reading among children and adolescents. The function took place at Gilonki High School in the Mtubatuba area which was involved in the earlier pilot project which we conducted. All the schools were represented by their principals and one learner who received their individual donations.

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